These are among the fortunate in Africa these days. They live near water and there's plenty of rain.
I'm in the country briefly for work and stop by to visit the family.
Mom is in this picture (left) and actually working, washing the clothes in the basket. The rest, the kids, are pretending to help so they can be in the picture. They're a bunch of cutups I've known for a few years.
Guys at the river washing their athletic gear; I guess momma drew the line at sweaty sports stuff. I asked if they minded my taking a picture; this is the pose I got. :)
More than 50% of the population lives below the poverty level. That's the UN poverty level of about $1.25 per day. (The US 'poverty level' is high enough to be considered wealthy here.)
The economy suffers from a number of problems, one of which is the lack of skilled labor. Keeping kids in school is a high priority for external assistance efforts, ours included.
Domestic food-crop production is inadequate to meet local consumption, so the country imports some of its food. Efforts have been made by the government in recent years to expand food production, and several projects have been undertaken, largely financed by foreign donors. Taiwan is significant among the sponsors. Impressive folks.
Here, a young beauty pretends to help momma with the laundry. The tub on her head is empty; it's just a pose for another photo; one of dozens. She's big sister to a lot of the kids we know.
More kid stuff (right); the girls thought it would be good photo material... feet sticking above the water, right, are my friend's. She jumped in without a moments hesitation. Upstream, more folks and laundry are interrupted by the squealing and laughter.
Here (left), big sister gets a surprise push that lands her in the water too.
OK, everybody else thought it was funny.
Note the shoreline rock; this looks to have been a volcanic outflow in ages past. The soil is rich and productive pretty much across the island although difficult for hand-managed crops; there's little level ground available.
The good news for the kids, their country is making progress in quality of government areas that really matter. Safety and rule of law, human development, human rights like equality and free speech, all encouraging stuff. It's slow because it's a nation in the process of growing up; it takes time to change culture and political process and civil activity, but it's encouraging nonetheless. Elections this September are reported to have been fair and without the turmoil common in less fortunate countries. Independent since the '70's and democratic since the '90's, they've worked hard at being a healthy society.
And! They've built a new middle-school! It'll help with the crowding problem. All the elementary schools do double schedule because they've got more kids than seats and teachers for them. Building infrastructure like school buildings is slow, and getting and keeping qualified teachers is an even larger task.