The rains in southeastern Kenya failed this season. Crops have failed and domestic animals are dying for lack of food and water. Local streams have dried up, and folks must walk around 20km to a vendor and buy water. Government aid is inadequate.

A group of churches there has raised funds and bought loads of corn and beans. In a village they served, they met children who hadn't eaten for five days. An elderly gentleman was on the verge of starvation when they arrived.
These kids came without their mothers to meet the team. Moms were out scavenging for anything edible and for water. Bishop Samuel and his team sent them home with beans and corn meal. It will help.
Bishop Samuel and his team have contracted a water tanker to serve the villages, perhaps once around, but the crisis will last a while, of course.
If you'd like to join in, drop me a line. We'll be glad to introduce you.
Or you can donate via Our Father's House. Click the 'donate' link and do a 'special offering' designated for Kenya. Every penny goes to the churches there for this assistance work. And, it's tax deductible. :)