Churches often make me uncomfortable. Much of what churches do and much of what's said in the pulpits is neither helpful nor even particularly biblical, as best I can tell. Days and dollars spent persuading folks to sit comfortably and listen; sit and do nothing, it seems. Am I the only one that feels that way?
BUT then, there ARE people (and their churches) that seem to be really alive somehow ... (these two pictured here; they're both the real thing, by the way.)
Eastern US church ... Eastern Africa church |
We've traveled and made the rounds of churches; lots of you have done the same. Every now and then, you run across a bunch of folks who aren't taking the easy path. They're doing their best to walk not with a comfortable organization but with God himself. It's a difficult path, though; kind of like when you were a kid walking with dad, and his legs are so much longer than yours, and it's a bit of a stretch to move at his pace.
It's so tempting to drift along with life as it is. School is just what it is. Church is just what it is. Friends and family, government and culture are what they are, and time passes. Get a job, have a family, do a little this and that; and more time passes. But we do have an option, don't we ...