We met this family a few years ago; they were destitute. Dad had lost his arm in and accident and lost his job, too. He'd been a taxi driver. They had pretty much nothing. I went out to meet them; dad was in the jungle cutting firewood with a machete, one-handed. I gave them all I had and went back to the states for more which a generous fellow provided.
It's been awhile since we met. Things have improved with a little help from stateside friends.
All the kids are back in school and doing well, especially the oldest boy. The house has a floor and beds now, and the walls are in pretty good shape. They have a breeding pair of pigs and a few ducks. They got permission to tap a nearby water main; we provided the materials, but dad and the oldest son did all the work. They have a water faucet in the yard now, so they don't have to walk to the river. We bought materials for them to build a little kiosk out by the road; it's been doing OK, generating a little income for them. It's a big deal.
Balloons are a bigger hit with the kids than the books I bring, at least at first. Their country doesn't have a bookstore.
So that's in Africa. How about here at home?